Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Program

Dr.Eng. Pandji Prawisudha, ST., MT.
Head of Mechanical Engineering
Undergraduate Program

Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Mesin mengembangkan disiplin ilmu berbasis cabang ilmu teknik mesin yang didefinisikan sebagai ilmu teknik yang mempelajari perancangan, produksi/pembuatan, dan operasi mesin. Cakupan bidang profesi Teknik Mesin dapat diperluas meliputi analisa siklus hidup produk, pemeliharaan, dan pembongkaran/dekomisi/daur ulang yang memanfaatkan ilmu-ilmu teknik mesin. 

The Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program uses the semester credit unit system (Satuan Kredit Semester/SKS), where students carry 144 credits which are designed to be completed in four years of study. 

First Common Year 

In the first year of study, FMAE students take lectures together as students of one faculty, or what is called the First Common Year (Tahap Persiapan Bersama/ TPB). After the TPB stage has been passed, students will need to select from the three study programs. Then it will be evaluated by the faculty team and directed to the appropriate study program. 

At the TPB stage, FMAE students similar to the other faculties, will receive 36 credits which are guided by basic courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Introduction to Engineering & Design. In addition, students have also received three courses from the Faculty, namely Introduction to Mechanical, Materials & Aerospace Engineering as well as Engineering Drawings and Structural Statics. 

The second and third year

In the second and third years, students who enter the undergraduate Mechanical Engineering program will receive basic courses from the mechanical engineering study program. In general, students will take 36 credits per year, or 18 credits per semester. However, at this stage, if they meet certain requirements, students can take more than 18 credits per semester. In this case, consultation and agreement with the Guardian Lecturer (Dosen Wali) is important to carry out. The courses given at this stage include contents regarding machine drawing & design, the basics of materials & structures, thermodynamics & heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. Some of these materials will also be provided through practical activities in the laboratory and group project assignments. 

The Fourth Year

At the final stage of their education, students will do practical work in industry. Then, students will do the final project according to the group of expertise they are interested in. Apart from that, students are also allowed to take elective courses both inside and outside the Mechanical Engineering study program. In the Mechanical Engineering study program itself, there are more than 30 elective courses that can be taken to support the implementation of the final project. Students will then carry out a comprehensive examination and final project exam to complete their study period in the undergraduate program. 

Regular and International Classs

Further Information