Title: Unlocking Innovation: ITB’s i-CAPS 2024 and d-CAMP Program for International Students

In collaboration with four renowned universities across Asia, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is once again presenting a golden opportunity for students: the International Student Joint Capstone Design Project (i-CAPS) and the International Student Multidisciplinary Design Camp (d-CAMP). This collaborative program has been a pivotal success in designing prototypes, providing valuable experiences for participants before entering the professional world.

What are i-CAPS and d-CAMP?

i-CAPS and d-CAMP are collaborative programs involving six prestigious universities in Asia, bringing together students from various engineering and product design disciplines. The participating universities are:

  1. Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
  2. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia)
  3. Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
  4. Tianjin University (China)
  5. National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
  6. Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam)
  7. University of Philippines (Filipina)

In 2024, i-CAPS returns after a brief hiatus in 2022. The success of previous programs has paved the way for students to design, collaborate with peers from other countries, and create innovative prototypes.

Participants in i-CAPS 2024 will face a series of challenges from January to October 2024. They will be divided into cross-country teams, comprising 4-7 students from 2-3 different countries. The main challenges involve ideation, design, and prototype creation based on the given theme or topic. For 2024, the theme is “Future Campus,” providing a platform for revolutionary ideas and solutions related to the future development of campuses.

Additional Information

  • Participant Eligibility: Open to students from various faculties, including FTMD, STEI, FTSL, FTI, Architecture, and Product Design.
  • Special Recruitment: Students in Materials Engineering and SITH.
  • Academic Year: Open to fourth-year students (class of 2020).
  • Registration Deadline: January 7, 2024.
  • Register at: https://bit.ly/registrasi_icaps.

The Activity Report for i-CAPS and d-CAMP 2023 serves as a source of inspiration for prospective participants. For more information, explore this article and don’t miss the reference reports here. Unlock your innovative potential with ITB’s international programs!