Bandung – On Friday (23/09/22), The Chair of the Senate of the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FMAE), Prof. Ir. Tubagus Ahmad Fauzi Soelaiman, MSME, Ph.D., invited all the ITB academicians to come to the socialization of ethical code for ITB Lecture. This meeting was held both online and offline. This meeting was led directly by the Chair of the Senate of FMAE. Furthermore, The dean of FMAE ITB also gave his remarks at the beginning of the meeting. He hoped that all the lecturers of FMAE could read and also understand the ethical code’s draft and give some advice for some of the ethical code that should be improved.

The lecturer’s ethical code is a guiding set of principles intended to instruct professionals to act in a manner that contains lecturers’ rights and obligations. The ethical code is based on seven main principles; divinity, justice, progress, openness, meaningfulness, growing and developing together, and exemplary. The lecturer’s ethical code is an integration of the values of ‘Air ITB’ as follows;

  1. Adaptive (Adaptif)
  2. Integrity (Integritas)
  3. Humble (Rendah hati)
  4. Kindness Initiative (Inisiatif Kebaikan)
  5. Hard working (Tangguh berjuang)
  6. Achievement blessed by God Almighty (Berprestasi diridhoi Tuhan Yang Maha Esa)

The explanation of the Regulations of the Academic Senate on the ITB lecturer’s ethical code was carried out by Prof.Dr.Ir. Abdul Hakim Halim, M.Sc., one of the ad hoc committee of the Academic Senate (SA-ITB) Lecturer’s ethical code. He explained that there are seven chapters in the regulations of the Academic Senate regarding the ITB Lecturer Code of Ethics, namely 1) General Provisions, 2) Purpose, Objectives, Principles, and Values, 3) Lecturer Rights, 4) Lecturer Obligations, 5) Qualification of Violations and Sanctions, 6 ) Prevention of Violations and Enforcement of Violations of the ethical code, and 7) Closing. Every chapter was discussed carefully. Then, the meeting ended with a question-and-answer session.