Doctoral Program

Dr.Eng. Sandro Mihradi

Head of Post-Graduate Program

Take this opportunity to study and research at the postgraduate study programs in Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FMAE) ITB, and find exciting new things in engineering.

Doctoral programs in FMAE ITB consist of 4 stages, namely Preparation/Qualification Examination, Proposal Writing and Defence, Research Projects, and Dissertation writing, Defence and Ph.D promotion, with a minimum of 42 credit units.

Licensed Doctoral Supervisors

Prof.Dr.Ir. Zainal Abidin

Prof.Dr.Ir. I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja

Prof.Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio

Dr.Ir. Rachman Setiawan

Prof.Dr.Ir. Ari Darmawan Pasek

Prof. Ir. Tubagus Ahmad Fauzi Soelaiman, MSME, Ph.D.

Dr.Ir. Toto Hardianto

Prof. Dr. Ir. Prihadi Setyo Darminto

Prof. Dr. Ir. Husaini Ardy

Dr.Ir. Hermawan Judawisastra, M.Eng.

Prof.Dr. Hari Muhammad

Dr.Ir. Lavi Rizki Zuhal

Prof.Dr Ichsan Setya Putra

Prof.Dr.Ir. Tatacipta Dirgantara

Dr.Ir. Leonardo Gunawan

Application Procedure

  • Prior to application process, prospective students must contact the candidate of supervisors and discuss the preliminary research planning and obtain the letter of confirmation from the candidate of supervisor. 
  • Please visit here for reference to current research activities by the faculty members 
  • Follow the procedure of application as stated here 

For further inquiries related to prospective supervisor, please contact doctoral program administration staff (Mrs. Laras: laras[at]