FTMD is one of the faculties that has a large capacity for undergraduate students. It is estimated that every year, the number of undergraduate students of FTMD is around 350 students at each ITB new student admission. The large number of students makes FTMD ITB have a myriad of achievements produced by its students, both in the fields of competitions, research, and student activities. Among the many students at FTMD, Sidi Budisina Baharuddin is one of the students with amazing achievements in the field of competition, student affairs and life.
Sidi Budisina Baharuddin is a 2017 ITB Material Engineering undergraduate student. Sidi Budisina Baharuddin or familiarly called Bahar, was born in Bandung on November 26, 1998. Bahar chose the Materials Engineering major because he wanted to know how a material selection can improve the performance of a product. Specifically, Bahar is very interested in Fiber Reinforced Polymer composite materials. This material is widely applied to high-performance vehicles such as F1 (Formula 1) or LMP1 (Le Mans Prototype) cars. Bahar has aspirations to become one of the designers of this vehicle.
After spending several years as a Materials Engineering student, Bahar learned how a material is processed and how to improve the quality of a product. His curiosity in the material world leads Bahar to be involved in material development specifically related to manufacturing additives. Currently, Bahar conducts experiments on fiber-reinforced composite materials produced by Fused deposition Modeling (FDM) additive manufacturing technology for his undergraduate research under the guidance of Dr.Ir. Hermawan Judawisastra, M.Eng.

As an active student, Bahar has followed many competitions such as solar-powered unmanned car design competition, industrial design competition on disability, and scientific writings competition on developing technology from a material. In the KMSTA competition (unmanned solar car contest) 2019, a national level competition held by Mechanical Engineering UGM, Bahar and the team whom consist of mechanical and material engineering students managed to get the best place in the racing category and be the Grand Champion with the highest overall score in the competition. In this race, they designed and built a remote-controlled solar-powered unmanned car. Bahar’s team consisted of Material Engineering and Mechanical Engineering students, FTMD ITB.

Bahar’s other competition experience was the Indisco XII Industrial Design Competition and Seminar organized by UNDIP (Universitas Diponogoro) Industrial Engineering in 2020. The theme of this competition was to design a product for people with disabilities. In this competition, Bahar and his team developed a product to help people with wheelchair disabilities reach nearby items easily, as shown in the picture above. This competition looks at the product design to manufacturing processes on an industrial scale, including production and product costs. In this ASEAN-level competition, Bahar and his team from different specialties such as material engineering, chemical engineering, and engineering management won 1st place.
The last competition that Bahar participated in was The 15yh MnM’s Week in 2020, organized by Materials Engineering University of Indonesia. The theme of this competition is technological development for a material. In this competition, Bahar and his teams chose the optimization design of the piston rod topology of the combustion engine processed with selective laser sintering (SLS) additive manufacturing technology. Each team had to make a scientific document explaining their chosen issue and its solution in this competition. Bahar and his teammates from material engineering won 3rd place in this national-level competition.
In addition to excelling in the field of competition, Bahar started a start-up company in 3D printing. Before creating the start-up, Bahar worked for a 3D printers company. He is interested in designing and printing a product using a 3D printer, and later, these have become a new hobby for him. On Bahar’s birthday, Bahar bought himself a 3D printer to channel his new exciting hobby. After having the machine, he realized many people around him needed help to produce their designs. The Start-up company began to form when Bahar helped his friends fabricate their desirable design with his 3D printing machine. The Information about Bahar’s work began to spread around, and now his start-up scope widens. Bahar offers several services, from designing a product to fabricate the product with the 3D printer. While doing this business, he never hesitates to share his knowledge and information regarding addictive manufacturing, especially 3D printers, with friends, costumer, and others interested in this technology. In early 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic started to strike Indonesia, Bahar designed and produced Faceshield with his 3D printer machine to help the health workers who have difficulties fulfilling personal protective equipment to handle the patients.
To find out more about Bahar’s start-up, you can check Baba’s 3d builder Instagram account (@babas3dbuilder).
Besides being busy in his start-up company and participating in many competitions, Bahar is active in several student organizations such as the Materials Engineering Student Union (MTM ITB) and the Glaciem Skating ITB (GSI ITB). During his time in MTM, Bahar became the April Graduation ceremony field coordinator, one of the content and methodology team members for the student unions’ orientation program of new members, and chairman of the MTM Mandate Representative Council. While in the GSI ITB, Bahar was the New Member Development Program head in 2018/2019 and was selected as the head of the GSI ITB in the 2019/2020.
Bahar’s main hobbies are rollerblading, playing Hobby Grade RC (remote control) cars, and of course, 3D printing. With Bahar’s achievements and activities as an active and outstanding student, we all hope that Bahar can continue developing his achievements for the development of technology in Materials Engineering. Hopefully, Bahar’s story can inspire us all. Congratulation on your graduation! All the best Bahar!