The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FMAE) at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) cordially invites students from all universities in Indonesia and abroad to participate in the International Virtual Course (IVC) held by FMAE in 2021. The IVCs will be delivered by worldly renowned lecturers, researchers, and experts from ITB and international institutions with strong track records in their respective fields. All the IVCs will be held fully online and all students across the globe can participate with ease. The IVC is a part of the “World Class University” program of ITB.

Students from ITB, as well as ITB’s partner universities*, can take credits from IVC courses. Some IVCs have two participants options, namely full participation (with extra features such as tutorial) and listener/seat-in participation**. All participants will receive an e-certificate as proof of participation. In the near future, ITB will hold two IVCS:

  1. Multidisciplinary Optimization and Machine Learning for Engineering Design 2021 (MDO-ML 2021), 19 July – 5 August 2021.
  2. High-speed Train Technology 2021 (HSTT) 2021, 14 June – 12 July 2021

You can find more details about each IVC in the hyperlink given above.

Further information about all other IVCs in ITB can be found at the following link:


*Universities that have written MoU with ITB, e.g., universities that are affiliated with AUN/SEED-NET, Sasrabahu, or Permata program. Please contact the respective IVC organizers for more information.

**Please find more information on each IVC’s webpage.