Hundreds of FTMD ITB Graduates Ready to Soar with Honor and Hope
Bandung – The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering held its first graduation celebration event for 2023-2024 on Sunday (October 29). Attended by graduates, parents, and the academic staff of FMAE ITB, the graduation celebration took place at Sasana Budaya Ganesha.
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Prof. Lavi Rizki Zuhal, Ph.D., reported that at the October Graduation Ceremony this year, 338 FTMD graduates were ready to fly. A total of 251 graduates from the bachelor’s program with 84 cum laude predicate, 46 graduates from the master’s program with 14 cum laude predicate, and 2 graduates from doctoral programs
In his speech, the Dean of FTMD ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatacipta Dirgantara, feels proud and happy to see the success of the graduates. The success of the graduates is also due to the sincere prayers given by parents for the success of their children’s studies. He also reminded them that as bachelors, masters, or doctors, they have a big responsibility as agents of change amid rapid world progress.
“Of course, this honor comes with great responsibility. The nation and society hope that you can be a pioneer of progress who can provide intelligent solutions amidst the very fast progress of the world,” said Prof. Tatacipta.
During the celebrations, five awards were given to postgraduate program graduates for their achievements in Q1 and Q2 publications during their study period at FTMD ITB.
A representative of the graduates, Theodorus Melvin, from the Bachelor of Materials Engineering Program, shared his academic experiences, which were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though it was difficult, they managed to graduate and thanked the lecturers and parents who supported them throughout their studies.
“It doesn’t feel like the journey of four years has been fully achieved. Whether it’s because of 2.5 years of staring at the screen or missing a lot of assignment deadlines, starting in August 2019, I still remember the feeling of pride in wearing my alma mater jacket, the festive OSKM event in Sabuga, the excitement of campus sportsmanship, and winning first place in men’s futsal. However, within 8 months of the COVID-19 pandemic arriving, all activities turned online instantly, the classroom turned into MS Teams, writing became screenshots, and field practice turned into recorded videos. What we initially thought would only last two weeks turned out to be 2.5 years. Whether you like it or not, the option of studying from home is the only solution. Even though it was difficult, we finally succeeded in graduating. It is appropriate for us as graduates to thank the lecturers and parents. We understand that it is not easy to educate us amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.” explained Theodore Melvin.

Quratul Aini, a representative of master’s graduates who came from Aceh and received an LPDP scholarship, told of her struggle to continue her studies far from her hometown. It was not easy for her to get permission to go abroad to continue her studies as the last daughter in her family. Armed with the belief that he holds tightly to the Hadih Majah, or Ancestor’s Advice, which reads “Duek di gampong gadoh lam awo Tajak meuranto mudah bahagia” that the importance of migrating or going abroad is to achieve happiness, Quratul Aini still went abroad to continue her master’s studies. During her study period at FTMD, she gained new family and new friends who were there for her in her joys and sorrows and supported the success of her studies. Even though her parents were unable to attend the graduation celebration, gratitude and happiness appeared on Quratul’s face during the celebration.
As an expression of appreciation for their educational journey, Dr. Eng. Firman Bagja Juangsa delivered a message and received impressions from the graduates. One of them came from Farid Maulana Latief, a graduate of the Master’s Program in Material Engineering, who shared an inspiring quote based on his observations of the behavior of professors: “Knowledge is like underwear; it should suffice to be worn, not paraded.”
The graduation celebration was concluded with a performance by the Student Association of the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, that is, Mechanical Engineering Student Association (HMM ITB), the National Committee for the Student Union Board of ITB (KMPN ITB), and the Material Engineering Student Union of ITB (MTM ITB). They provided entertainment and offered their congratulations to all the graduates.
The first graduation ceremony for the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at ITB in 2023 was a special moment that showcased the success and determination of the graduates in overcoming various challenges, including the pandemic. They are now ready to soar as bachelors, masters, and doctors, with hopes and responsibilities to become pioneers of progress in the midst of an ever-evolving world.
Watch the excitement of the October 2023 graduation celebration in the video below!