FTMD Holds Graduation Celebration in April 2023
The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) held its second graduation celebration on April 8, 2023, at the FTMD Terrace. Prior to this, ITB also organized an Open Session for the Second Graduation of the 2022/2023 Academic Year for Doctoral, Master’s, Bachelor’s, and Professional Engineer programs at the Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga) Building on the same day. The graduation celebration event was attended by the academic community of FTMD ITB and the graduating students and their families.

Opening Remarks from Dean of FMAE
In his speech, the Dean of FTMD, Prof. Tatacipta Dirgantara, conveyed a message to the graduates that they have become Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate holders in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and materials engineering. This is undoubtedly an honor and pride for the entire Indonesian nation. However, with this honor comes great responsibility for the graduates to become pioneers of national progress with intelligent solutions while upholding ITB’s ethics, integrity, and noble values.
The Dean also expressed gratitude to the graduates’ parents who supported their children in completing their studies at ITB. He hoped the graduates would continue contributing and maintaining long-term cooperation with their alma mater.

The report of the Vice Dean of Academic regarding the April 2023 graduates.
The Vice Dean of Academics, Dr. Lavi Rizki Zuhal, announced that 372 FTMD students graduated in April 2023. The breakdown includes six doctoral graduates, 65 master’s graduates, 33 professional engineer graduates, and 82 bachelor’s graduates. During this graduation, Al-Faisal Firdaus from the Aerospace Engineering Program received an award as the highest GPA graduate in the Master’s Program with a GPA of 4.00.

The Governor of West Java’s speech.
The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, also attended the event with his family, representing the late Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz, also known as Eril, who graduated with a Bachelor in the Mechanical Engineering Program, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD) at ITB in absentia.
On this occasion, Ridwan Kamil also motivated other FTMD ITB graduates. In his speech, he reminded all graduates to share the knowledge they acquired during their studies with the community so that the knowledge gained would positively impact people’s lives.
“I pray that you don’t keep the knowledge to yourselves. Use your knowledge to transform society into a blessed and forgiving nation, baldatun thoyyibatun wa rabbun ghofur,” he said.
The second graduation ceremony was enlivened by the department associations of FTMD, such as the Mechanical Engineering Student Association (HMM ITB), the Aerospace Engineering Student Family (KMPN ITB), and the Material Engineering Student Association (MTM ITB). Despite falling on the month of Ramadan for Muslims and the sacred Easter season for Christians, the spirit of the graduates and their attending families remained unwavering in carrying out the graduation process smoothly and enthusiastically. The series of graduation celebration events ran smoothly.
It is hoped that the FTMD ITB graduates will apply the knowledge gained during their studies to better society and advance the nation.