The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FMAE) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) welcomed a visit from a delegation of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on September 9, 2023. The academic delegation from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) was warmly received by FMAE, accompanied by representatives from the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI ITB).

This visit was conducted with the main purpose of exchanging information about the academic programs owned by both universities and exploring opportunities for deeper educational collaboration in the future.

The series of discussions began with an in-depth introduction to the two universities. The delegation of IIT Bombay first introduced the academic programs, Following with the academic rankings and funding opportunities available for international students who wish to pursue studies at IIT Bombay.

During the Q&A session, talks on academic programs, tuition fees, and research internship opportunities at IIT Bombay were highlighted. Discussions also covered PhD programs, research schemes offered, and research projects being undertaken by IIT Bombay students.

The discussion also addressed the Bachelor-Master’s Integration Program shared by ITB and IIT Bombay. Delegates from both universities investigated the possibility of further collaboration in this area. Furthermore, conversations regarding double degree schemes between ITB and IIT Bombay became an important part of efforts to strengthen the cooperative relationship between the two institutions. The strategy of international PhD programs at IIT Bombay also received special attention in this meeting.

In addition to the discussion, the IIT Bombay delegation also had the opportunity to tour the laboratories at FMAE and STEI ITB, which provided first-hand insight into the facilities available at both faculties.

This visit is a promising first step in building a close relationship between the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at ITB and the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, which is expected to bring great benefits to students and the development of science in the future.

Translated by Bachtiar Jalu Prakasa