UNTIDAR’s Visit to FTMD ITB: Enhancing Quality through Knowledge Sharing
To strengthen the quality and capacity of research at the Integrated Laboratory of Universitas Tidar, the Academic Support Unit (UPA) of the Agrotechnology Park conducted a benchmarking visit to the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung (FTMD ITB) on Thursday, August 15, 2024. This visit aimed to enrich insights and strategies for laboratory management that can be implemented at Universitas Tidar.
The delegation, led by Dr. Ir. Yudhi Arnandha, M.T., Head of the UPA Agrotechnology Park at UNTIDAR, along with Drs. Didik Sinung Haryadi, M.M., UNTIDAR’s Commitment-Making Officer, and six other educational staff members, were warmly welcomed by the FTMD ITB staff. The meeting included sessions for sharing information and experiences on various aspects of faculty governance, infrastructure management, laboratory operations, and academic assistant management.
The meeting was opened by Mrs. Yanti Nurhanyanti, S.E., Head of Administration at FTMD ITB, who provided a detailed overview of administration management, office operations, the preparation of work plans and annual budgets, as well as other information related to the governance of FTMD ITB.
During the discussion, FTMD ITB presented the innovations they have implemented to leverage technological advancements in support of operations, academics, and research. The technologies implemented have proven to increase efficiency, accuracy, and service quality within the campus environment. Some of the key technologies introduced include SIPELAJAR, a system for scheduling classes and room reservations; SIX (Academic Information System), which manages student academic data online using data computing technology and system integration; e-Office, a digital application for managing official documents for more efficient administrative processes; and MYPPM (Research and Community Service Information System), which supports research and community service information management, facilitating better collaboration and coordination.
This visit served as an important moment for both institutions to learn from each other and share best practices, with the hope that this collaboration will continue and bring tangible benefits to the development of science and technology in Indonesia. FTMD ITB, as a leading center in the field of mechanical and aerospace engineering, provided new inspiration for Universitas Tidar in developing laboratory management strategies and supporting the improvement of higher education quality in Indonesia.