Benchmarking Visit from FT Unsoed to FTMD ITB: Enhancing the Quality of Engineering Education
The Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD) of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) received a visit from the Faculty of Engineering of Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) on Thursday, May 16, 2024. The visit, which took place in the Seminar Room, Labtek II, ITB Ganesha Campus, aimed at benchmarking to improve quality and laboratories for the Faculty of Engineering of Unsoed.
This event was attended by several key figures from FTMD ITB, including the Dean of FTMD, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatacipta Dirgantara, Head of the Postgraduate Program, Dr. Eng. Sandro Mihradi, Head of the Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Program, Dr. Eng. Pandji Prawisudha, as well as Dr. Eng. Ir. Agung Wibowo, M.T. and Dr. Eng. Ir. Firman Bagja Juangsa, S.T., M.Eng. Their expertise and experience were instrumental in facilitating a fruitful exchange of knowledge.
Unsoed, led by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Agus Maryoto, saw this visit as a pivotal moment. With the recent launch of their Mechanical Engineering program, this benchmarking visit was deemed crucial for learning from the established practices at FTMD ITB.
Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Agus Maryoto expressed the primary goal of the visit succinctly, stating, “We are here to learn from FTMD and enhance the performance, quality, and standards of the Faculty of Engineering at Unsoed.” The rich history and stellar reputation of FTMD ITB in mechanical engineering, aerospace, and materials were the driving forces behind this benchmarking visit.
The meeting began with an introduction to the establishment of ITB and FTMD, which was founded in 2008. FTMD Dean Prof. Tatacipta Dirgantara highlighted the faculty and study program governance at FTMD and explained one of FTMD’s flagship programs, the Bachelor-Master Integration Program (PISM). This program allows undergraduate students to complete their master’s degree within five years.
Next, Dr. Eng. Pandji Prawisudha presented the curriculum of ITB’s Mechanical Engineering study program, designed to meet current and future needs. The curriculum includes various concentrations in mechanical engineering tailored to students’ interests and needs.
The discussion continued further. The FT Unsoed delegation also visited FTMD laboratories, guided by Dr. Eng. Ir. Agung Wibowo. This visit allowed Unsoed to learn about managing facilities and infrastructure supporting teaching and learning activities at FTMD ITB.
This visit is expected to begin closer cooperation between the two institutions in improving the quality of engineering education in Indonesia.