ITB Students Win Six Awards at I-CAPS and D-CAMP 2023
Bandung – ITB students won six awards at I-CAPS and D-CAMP 2023 (International Students Joint Capstone Design Project and International Student Multidisciplinary Design Camp 2023) in South Korea. At I-CAPS and D-CAMP 2023, with the theme “Future Mobility”, ITB students earned 1 Gold, 2 Silver, and 2 Bronze. The event was attended by almost 100 students from 6 countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, China, and South Korea, who were divided into 20 groups. This year, ITB students were represented by students from the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FMAE), Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (FSRD), and School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI).
The I-CAPS and D-CAMP 2023 event took place from 21st to 25th August 2023 at Welli Hilli Park Resort, 451 Gowon-ro, Dunnae-myeon, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do in South Korea. This activity was hosted by Jeonbuk National University. This activity also collaborates with universities from 6 countries:
- Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia),
- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia),
- Nanyang Technological University (Singapore),
- Tianjing University (Tiongkok) ,
- National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan),
- and Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) with 4 Korean University Consortiums consisting of 13-14 universities in South Korea.
I-CAPS is a representation of true freedom of learning. Participants are challenged to work together to create ideas, designs, and prototypes with the theme “Future Mobility”. For more than 5 months, online, participants collaborate with different nationalities (multinational) and various disciplines (multidisciplinary). Each team that was formed consisted of a composition from a different country, with several South Korean students on each team.
The implementation of offline activities began from 19th August to 26th August 2023. During the activity, participants were accompanied by Miss Indria Herman S.T, M.T, Ph.D. and Mr Slamet Riyadi, S.Ds., M.Ds., Ph.D. as supervisors of ITB students in I-CAPS activities. As a result of I-CAPS in South Korea, ITB students won 6 awards; 1 Gold Prize, 2 Silver Prizes, 2 Bronze Prizes, and 1 Participation Prize.
- Gold Prize:
Team 14 (Dream Team) in collaboration with Soonchunhyang University, with the products: Guide Kiosk and Nav-Bot for the Elderly.
- Silver Prize:
- Team 4 (Scott Buddy) in collaboration with Jeju National University, with the product: Modular Electric Scooter for Wheelchair.
- Team 13(Jiggy) in collaboration with Dongshin University, with the product: Treadmill Bike With Power Assist Designed to Promote Health Aging in the Elderly by Making Exercise Enjoyable and Fun.
- Bronze Prize:
- Team 3 (Greenly) together with Chonnam National University, with the product: Urban Air Purifier Using Living Moss and Microbial Bioreactor.
- Team 20 (O-SEAN) together with Jeonbuk National University, with the product: Modular Thermoelectric Cooler for Fishing Goods.
- Participation Prize:
Team 19 (Team Sage) with the product: Auxiliary Awareness System.
Through this activity, students can increase their knowledge from various points of view. It also increases the ability and creativity of students to design and prototype engineering products as well as establishing good relations with universities from outside Indonesia. Hopefully, the achievements and awards obtained will motivate other students to excel in the international arena.
Translated by Herdiana Yusuf