On November 2, 2023, the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD) at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) welcomed a delegation from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech). Head of the Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Prof. Julius Griskevicius, was warmly received by students and representatives from FTMD, including Dr.Eng. Ir. Ferryanto. The main purpose that he visited FTMD was to explore the potential for collaboration in student exchange programs between ITB and Vilnius Tech. Another goal of this meeting was to serve as a platform for information sharing and to explore other collaboration opportunities in the future.

During his presentation, Prof. Julius introduced Vilnius Tech to the students and explained the opportunities that are available in the programs offered by Vilnius Tech. Vilnius Tech is a university located in the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius. The city area covers 65,300 square kilometers and a population of three million people. Prof. Julius also highlighted Vilnius Tech’s is one of the top 2.1% universities in the world. Also, Vilnius Tech ranked 32nd in QS ranking in the European Union and Central Asia in 2022.

Prof. Julius also mentioned that Vilnius Tech has 10 faculties, they are; Engineering, Creative Industries, and Business Management. In some programs, both bachelor degree and master degree programs are taught in the English language. Additionally, Vilnius Tech offers 110 study programs supported by 13 institutions, three scientific centers, and 30 research laboratories. Through his presentation, Prof. Julius showcased the scholarship qualifications that are available, both partial and full scholarships, as Vilnius Tech is a state-funded university.

Among the 10 faculties, there are five programs that correlate with FTMD: the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Department of Mechatronics, Robotics and Digital Manufacturing, Department of Biomechanical Engineering, Institute of Mechanical Science, and Technical Creativity and Innovation Center. Prof. Julius also added that Vilnius Tech is a unique university, as it not only focuses on the manufacturing sector but also addresses market needs and innovation management in the industrial world.

In addition to providing information about Vilnius Tech, Prof. Julius shared details about the cost of living, the geography of Lithuania, and its famous cuisine. Despite being in Europe, Lithuania is a country with a relatively lower cost of living compared to other European countries. Prof. Julius estimated that the cost of living in Vilnius dormitories ranges from 500-700€ per month. However, for student exchange programs from partner institutions like FTMD ITB, all forms of accommodation for international students are guaranteed and covered by the campus.

This collaborative partnership presents a golden opportunity for FTMD students who wish to participate in the Student Exchange program. Besides gaining international learning experiences, this program also serves as a platform for collaboration, building relationships, and cultural exchange. It is hoped that through this collaboration, FTMD students can acquire knowledge from European countries and implement it for their alma mater, nation, and country.

Written by M Bintang Alriza 
Editor : Ainayya Azzahra